3 Aug 2009


Well, 2 days off only this week so I am not going to Barcelona for the Circuit Festival. So I am going to miss all the beauties showing off at the rather expensive club parties. mmm. What if my potential bf is there and I miss the chance? Well, all I do is MO´s anyway so I am staying in the UK. (Am I trying to convice myself?)

David and Ali have invited me to Dubai next week.. agr shall I go? Money would be the potential problem for this one... I should save and not spend.

Eggy wants me also to pop by in Zurich before he returns to Indonesia for good... another little trip I could do.

And I have always wanted to pop down to Nice to see Surita and Jerome now that they´ll be parents for the second time.

I wish I was rich!


Anonymous said...

Buena vida, si señor, Dubai-Zurich-Niza y porque no, pon en la lista KL. Necesitas trabajar, trabajar y trabajar para poder viajar, viajar y viajar, porque si no, no hay bolsillo que aguante esto. O viajas y te arruinas o te estas un poco quietecito.
Sigue viviendo la vida, es corta, disfruta ahora que puedes, tengas o no tengas.
Y ntro amigo Julian ya regreso a KL o sigue dando vueltas por esos mundos?
Hasta pronto

I´m David said...

Pues al final the winner is, me parece, Barcelona!

Anonymous said...

Tampoco esta tan mal Barcelona, siempre te lo pasas...........