27 Feb 2009




Matteo and Jordi, making an entrance... I´m sorry! Do they call it love?

This is the Bollywood end of the table... Menú Bollywood!

Juanjo -so sad-, Angel, Jesús and Javier

Javier, aka la Vargas o Bollywood pija!

Octavio, Lorenzo and Francisco...

Salva and Sebastián... so many memories! Eh, Julián?

Angel with Cholo, (grrkgutjhñll!!) And Juan and me at the back... now please do not look at me... I have lost the sari already... though I would call it a shower curtain rather than a sari. Nevermind. Forgive me.

Ángel and me, with Mdme Pompadour. She is terribly fantastic and the Queen of the podium at the Satanassa club in Barcelona now long disappeared. More memories! . Satanassa was a generation. I am privileged I got to go there -quite a lot- Mdme Pompadour did the best impersonations of Sara Montiel. Unforgetable.

us again! with Juanjo below...

Rubén (2b bil) and Xavi

Here with Andrés and Dani... TWA... more memories!


Losing it!
Great party. The meal at the restaurant is outrageous, especially for those innocent people who never thought they would be trapped in a restaurant with tens of us crazy dressed up as ladies! A show money can´t buy!!!

Are you comig next year?

23 Feb 2009


2009 Oscars Ceremony, Hollywood.

Congratulations to Penélope Cruz.... well done woman!!

click here to watch the acceptance speech! I think it´s very good.

20 Feb 2009


Celebrado en Brasilia, no es más que una campaña de publicidad organizada por la web de moda Finíssimo. La idea no está mal!

The third annual national underwear day took place in Brasília yesterday, organized by fashion website Finíssimo. Thirty two models strolled down Conjunto Nacional and Rodoviária do Plano Piloto in nothing but underwear

18 Feb 2009


RVT or Royal Vauxhall Tavern, is a very busy place every sunday afternoon!. If you are in London you must make sure you go to check it out... every gay in London knows about it: The Dame Edna Experience. This is a fantastic show by talented Jonathan (he has been doing it now for 9 years!), who dressed like Dame Edna performs singing and telling jokes. The jokes are totally politically incorrect and sometimes rude and make the audience cringe - and this is a bearish audience! - The music is fantastic and DE mimics voices of famous singers very well: Tina Turner, Celine Dyon, Karin Carpenter...! The songs are all time classics and DE gets the crowd singing... highly recommended with a few pints!

Si es domingo, hay que ir al RVT. The Dame Edna Experience es un show fantástico que uno no se puede perder... todo gay de Londres lo sabe. Los chistes son políticamente incorrectos y de muy mal gusto, y crea incluso hastío a la audiencia más depravada... las canciones son muy buenas y de grandes artistas, Jonathan, el artista, llega a imitar muy bien las voces de cantantes famosos y se atreve a cambiar las letras de las canciones para causar más revuelo y consigue incluso que la audiencia al completo cante con él. Una gran experiencia y muy recomendable, especialmente con algunas pintas de cerveza de más!

I was there last sunday!

16 Feb 2009



Out on friday night with some people from work... Allison singing again, this tiem at the Surbiton Flyer... great night... and I keep forgetting I work with this people so i should be careful not to embarrass myself!
sorry some quality is appalling! I need a new mobile with a better camera urgent!

Nick & me and Mark & Mark

13 Feb 2009


The anti-ageing effects of dark chocolate and cocoa have been well known to many ancient cultures. A study by the Hershey Co. revealed that cocoa powder, baking chocolate and dark chocoloate contain 14.1 to 18.5 micrograms of resveratrol per serving. Resveratrol, a compound found in dark chocolate, cocoa and red wine, could lead to the development of an "elixer of youth". Resveratrol has been found to turn on the ’longevity’ gene which could assist organisms to live up to 20% longer.
Pues nada, que dice que el cacao lleva una sustancia que espabila el gen de la longevidad... así que viva el Cola Cao!
For the tourists: Cola Cao is a chocolatey drink very well known in Spain... We´ve all drunk it when we were kids and the children of today are still drinking it... and the not-so-children, I still do!

10 Feb 2009


YES, again, fed up with the cold and the snow, jumped on a plane to BCN for the weekend:
Escapada sorpresa a Barcelona, és cap de setmana!!


Saturday skiing at Port del Compte. This is a very good ski resort, the closest to Barcelona, however it never gets enough quality snow, except for this year, which has almost too much of it making it hard to ski on some areas!
Sea of clouds - Mar de núvols




mis atomics

Àrea de l´Estivell... si si! vam baixar per aquest fora-pista!


CARLA! Per molts anys! La festa va ser increible! Em va agradar molt retrobar-me amb tantes amistats perdudes i va ser molt emotiu recordar els vells temps de les festes i els sopars de duro a l´Avinguda de Roma... i a la teva germana Carme un 10 per la organització, que el meu cor encara tremola d´emoció en recordar quan 30 tambors de la batuka de Sitges van envair el local! Inolvidable!

i els MOSSOS...

A little encounter with them... I have been fined because I was driving without carrying my driving licence on me...

Multa per conduir sense dur el carnet a sobre... però és que hagués pogut se pitjor... Gràcies Magí i Anna per venir-me a buscar a les 4 del matí!!

2 Feb 2009


seen from the window at home last night...

vista des de la finestra del menjador ahir al vespre...

...and seen from the window at the office.
i vista des de la finestra a la oficina.
And meet Vicky below:


...Eventful sunday with Rafael Nadal winnig the Australian Open against Roger Federer. - Rafa Nadal torna a guanyar a Roger Federer a l´Open d´Australia a Melbourne...

And the XLIII Super Bowl, being played on Sunday, February 1st, between the Arizona Cardinals and the Pittsburgh Steelers in Tampa, Florida. The Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League (NFL) in the US. - I la XLIII Super Bowl, que també es juga avui diumenge a Tampa, Florida, entre els Arizona Cardinals i els Pittsburg Steelers, es la final de la NFL o lliga de fútbol als USA...

There´s something about american football... :oP

1 Feb 2009


Cròniques d´una setmana a la Ciutat Comptal
Chronicles of a week in Barcelona
1. My own private view... jogging up the hill 25 minutes from Jordi´s flat where I stay and you get this magnificent view of the city. It´s at the Guinardó Park. Bring your MP3-or listen to your radio station through your mobile phone... http://www.flaixfm.net/ does it for me and enjoy the view...
1. Mirador privat... a 25 minuts des de casa de´n Jordi. Al Park del Guinardó... Tot escoltant Flaix fm la megaràdio www.flaixfm.net a través del mòbil i a gaudir!!

2. Dinner at home with the family. Nice hot soup in a winter evening with salad and tomato bread... and of course wine drunk straight from the "porró". Dont think you can get more catalan than this...
2. Sopar a la taula: sopeta, amanida, pa amb tomàquet i pernil... i vi amb el porró!

3. Thursday at the Camp Nou... Barça 3 - Espanyol 2. These two teams are 1st division teams both based in Barcelona... there is high rivalry and this match is called a "Derby". Barça is doing extremetely well this year... Trainer Josep Guardiola is very good and is doing a great job. If you have never attended a Mass Sport Event I URGE you to do it. There is something very emotional about being amongst masses of people all cheering up for a noble cause like sport. An Israel - Gaza football match in a grand stadium would be a far better investment of time money and energy than attacks that only achieve loss of human life and happiness...

3. Dijous al Camp Nou a veure el derby Barça - Espanyol. Emocionant joc que ens va tenir patint fins l´últim minut. 3-2 a favor del Barça. No és partit de lliga, és de la copa del Rei, però el Barça havia de guanyar, per què un empat no valia. Coses complicades del fútbol. Si mai heu anat a veure un esdeveniment esportiu amb tant de públic, (uns 98.700 espectadors), us recomano que ho feu JA. No sé que és però anar a un lloc amb massess és extranyament emocionant. Sóc sensible a les multituts exaltades per un motiu com és ara l´esport... un partit Israel-Gaza en un gran estadi seria molt millor que els atacs amb els que es perden temps i vides humanes

4. Shopping... window shopping that is. Whenever in Barcelona go check VINÇON. This shop in the Passeig de Gràcia is huge and sells EVERYTHING you need but with a Designer Label on it. Spectacular display outside with old black and white pictures/books taken from an actors agency from the US... pictures of people with names who are now probably 50-60 years old. Where are they all now?

4. De compres... bé, més aviat d´aparadors que de compres que la cosa està fatal. Us recomano VINÇON al passeig de Gràcia. Aquests dies a l´aparador hi tenen tot de fotos antigues en blanc i negre que són books d´una antiga agència d´actors americana...

5. Friends reunited. From left, Carla and Xavi, Ana and Beda, Montse and Edu. We all met one october in 1990 when we started work for British Airways at Barcelona Airport. Edu joined four months later. We all were trained in manual check-in procedures... how to use the sticker-seats, how to handwrite boarding passes and baggage labels... computer? what computer??

5. Reunió d´amics. De esquerra a dreta, la Carla i en Xavi, l´Anna i en Beda, la Montse, i l´Edu. Tots ens vàrem conèixer un dia a l´Octubre del 1990 quan vam començar a treballar a l´aeroport de Barcelona per la British Airways... experts en escriure targetes d´embarcament a i etiquetes d´equipatges a mà! No teníem ordinadors encara!

i did lots this week...