29 Apr 2010


It was not meant to be... Barça was defeated today by Inter Milán. After a good game in Milán, Inter had to ensure it had a robust defence. And they did, and even with one less player, Barça was unable to score the two goals it needed to classify for the Champions Final to be held in Madrid.

No ha pogut ser!

But summer is here. Nice hot weather in the UK and everyone is out! Beer by the river!

Juanvi has moved to Ealing... further away from me but closer to London´s party scene! Congratulations J on your new home... and thanks for the first pizza evening!

April has been a busy month, with lots of news that made me feel down followed by other news that made me happy. Strange month. Such is life!

18 Apr 2010

17 Apr 2010


No Air Traffic over Central-Northern Europe.
Heathrow: closed. Charles de Gaulle: closed.
Frankfurt: closed. Schiphol: closed. Zurich: closed...
friends stuck in Johannesburg, in Rio, in Barcelona, in London, in Frankfurt... some back on the buses, just like the old days, others will just have to wait...

16 Apr 2010


This pic is taken at the top of one of the rocks at Montserrat. Montgròs. Unforgetable hiking. Especially on the way down, trapped on difficult points, run out of water so drank from strings and finally made it home at 7pm for lunch! Crazy!
Fantastic views, if you look on the horizon you can see the sun light reflecting on the Mediterranean Sea.
View on the way up... hometown Igualada in the distance...

And this is me taking a rest. The tall rock at the back, uphill from the antenna, was the destination I was aiming for, Sant Jeroni, but gosh it would have meant going all the way back down and up again... Next time!


15 Apr 2010

10 Apr 2010


BALI MOMENTS: The official picture. This one goes to the wooden frame.

BALI MOMENTS: KU DÉ TA. Oscar´s last supper. Went to my favourite Ku Dé Ta. Felt somewhat sick though! Lunch wasn´t very good that day and I suffered. The orchids in the men´s restroom aren´t probably too impressed...

BALI MOMENTS: HOME. This is home in Bali. Nice little hotel. 4 rooms with a pool in the middle. Sorrounded by plants and Budah´s. Typical balinese home.

BALI MOMENTS: RETURN AT DARK. Every night. After the bars, always made it home in the dark. Every night. This is coming in Puri Wimpy. Home.

BALI MOMENTS: NYEPI. The NYEPI festival is once a year. After the Ogoh Ogoh monster is killed, peace returns to the island. Balinese celebrate with a day of silence, fasting and self-meditation. Nobody is allowed to do nothing. Even tourists are not exempt and must stay in their hotels. The airport is closed. You are not allowed out. Lights are not allowed on. It´s a quiet time to spend at home with your family. Candle light dinner and candle light swim. We witnessed the best night sky. We witnessed the silence.

BALI MOMENTS: SUNSET. Beautiful sunset every day can be seen at the beach. This one is from the balcony sunset bar at Anantara Resort and Spa...

BALI MOMENTS: PARTY. Almost every night was a great night! Below some pics with Andy and the australian girl who spoke spanish: "Estoy borracha! Como se va a mi casa?"

BALI MOMENTS: AJIB. Dancing on the table!

BALI MOMENTS: THE MYSTERY OF THE HEINEKEN that Jordi found in the bathroom... How did it get there? Who brought it there? ...

BALI MOMENTS: The Ghost in the bedroom!: