30 Jun 2008


I missed the match -I was working- but I know Julian was up in KL at 4am local watching it!

España reina en Europa
La selección española se ha proclamado Campeona de Europa 44 años después tras vencer a Alemania (1-0). Fernando Torres marcó el único gol del partido, que dominaron claramente los hombres de Luis Aragonés. Villa con 4 tantos máximo goleador, Casillas mejor portero. España se lleva todos los premios tras hacer un campeonato perfecto.

I am reading the Spanish press online and it is sad to see that in the online forums all comments are about being catalan or being spanish... all because there were celebrations in Barcelona which some say it is because Barcelona is no longer catalan and others say that the celebrations were in fact minimal... who cares... all politics, nothing about sport and brotherhood.
I am Catalan, but also Spanish. I regret the Spanish people who do not respect the Catalan Culture and I also regret the Catalan people who despise Spain and all Spanish. Get a life!

27 Jun 2008


Happy Birthday to Jone... celebrating in her garden.... with Noé and Sergi... (is it love??)

24 Jun 2008


La COCA de Sant Joan, tradició a Catalunya cada 23 de Juny, per la Revetlla o Nit del Foc.
Jo em pensava que aquest any ni coca ni cava ni festa, però el meu estimat Vicens me n´ha portada una!!! Gràcies Vicens!!!

La COCA de San Juan, tradición catalana cada 23 de Junio por la verbena de San Juan. Pues en Londres como que ya me hacía la idea que de coca nada, puesto que aquí todo son egg cremes y twix y kitkats... Pero mi amigo Vicens me la ha traido por sorpresa! El pobre se ha venido a casa a pasar la noche, en tránsito, y me ha sorprendido con una!

IT MADE MY DAY when Vicens, who came for the night, brought me this COCA directly from Spain! In Catalonia, on the 23rd of June, we celebrate Saint John´s day. Tradition dictates that we all eat the COCA with cava, it is sweet bread with cream and pine nuts and fruit all over.
During this night huge bonfires are built and we have fireworks all night long. It is in fact the shortest night of the year, and you are supposed to party til sunrise. It is the furthest day from Christmas which in the past meant it is evil and witches night, that´s why the bonfires and fireworks take place, to actually scare all the bad spirits off.

Thank you Vicens for the lovely surprise, it was totally not expected! Well, thanks to your mum because I am sure it was her who bought it! Love you lots and come through London as many times as you like... je je!

22 Jun 2008


This is a Victorian house next to home... it is abandoned. The council wants to knock it down and it´s a real shame.... I sneaked in.. on plain daylight... too scary to do it at night! All doors were locked though so I couldn´t get in.

through one of the back windows I could see a piano and an old bycicle in the shed... I can´t help thinking about the happy times playing music around the piano or the happy times riding the bycicle.... how were those happy times? what happened? where are they gone? and who lived there? or who was ever born there?.... where are they now? ...

20 Jun 2008


Uptown in Soho for a beer... or two?

Met Marco, which was another M.O.

I thought we weren´t having them anymore!

Will have to go back!

we in England don´t have a drinking problem!


AND due to some asking for more... in reality I have no more pics of our great times in London with Julián, in Sant Salvador, in Barcelona and in Sitges...

me tanned at home...

our favourite taxi driver having a meal at El Berro in BCN...

meet Ramón -with the beard- and John, on the left... our new friends in Sitges....

on the way to the beach in Sitges... we met Nico there with his boyf.

last night in Barcelona... happy hour at New Chaps... with... Jose, Eugenio, Gaspar, Jordi...

Julián help!

19 Jun 2008


On monday I helped my friend Isabel to move house. She is moving closer to me so I can´t wait for the parties!

Isabel se ha mudado. Ha dejado el centro londinense por una barriada más perférica y más cerca de donde vivo yo... cuándo será la primera fiesta?

15 Jun 2008


Meet Alison. Today I have been to a party. My friend Alison sang in it with her band and a few people from work were also there and we all had a very good time. The party was organised by Alison to raise money to help out Jay. Jay had an accident at work and he is now in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Alison raised 4000 pounds!! It was very emotional for all. It is amazing to see that there are still a few selfless people who go to great lenghts for a good cause and to help others. Hats off for Alison. You are one of a kind!

Os presento a Alison. Hoy he estado en una fiesta. Alison ha cantado junto con su banda. Éramos unos cuantos del trabajo. La fiesta era para colectar dinero para Jay. Jay tuvo un accidente en el trabajo y se ha quedado en silla de ruedas de por vida. La fiesta fue un éxito y Alison consiguió 4000 libras! Fue todo muy emocional y a más de uno se le salieron las lágrimas. Es realmente increible ver que todavía existen personas que no son nada egoístas y consiguen hazañas como ésta. Tengo mucho respeto para personas como Alison. Eres única!

p.s. if you need a band for your parties in London, I can get you in touch with Alison!!

14 Jun 2008


lovely evening back in London on the river Thames


Sitges.... who hasn´t been???

views from the terrace at the flat in Sant Salvador. Who wants to come???

mmm... Julián cooked paella!!! who hasn´t tried it??

perfect shopping: ensaimadas, donuts and bollycaos! You´d have to be spanish to understand.


Waikiki beach... as it´s known: one of the best nudist hidden little beaches on the mediterranean spanish coast, very near Sant Salvador, just north of Tarragona. It´s a long 20 min walk to the beach, unreachable by car! Very quiet and clean...