31 May 2009


Felicitats nen! Quants? 32? Mare de Déu com passa el temps! Sembla que era ahir que érem al Satanassa, i que m´esperaves hores i hores a baix a Rocafort a que baixés per anar-nos-en de farra amb el teu Golf blanc, i que anàvem al Punto, i a la Martins, i que estàvem solters desesperats buscant nòvio, i que estàvem els dos feliçment aparellats, i que anàrem a Miami, i a Fort Lauderdale, i a Nova York i Provincetown, i més aprop a Salvador de Bahía i Los Angeles i Malàsia i Bali. I que venia al pis del Paralel, i al del costat del Mercat de Sant Antoni, i al del carrer Borrell, i ara a Travessera, i tants festivals d´Eurovisió, i Sant Joans i Festes de cap d´any...

Per molts anys!
i que duri...


30 May 2009


I don´t really know the guy... :o(
but what beautiful eyes!

Ni idea qui es, però mare de Deu quins ulls!


Amazing google maps.... so high tech in the London area -and probably many big cities- that look my home is pictured above! And you can get even closer... Thank god I had the shutters down! And that is my hungarian neighbour´s car... picture taken of my computer screen.

29 May 2009




...was, as usual, very quick...
went out every evening, el Cangrejo, Celtas, Metro... used all the free drink vouchers and the happy hours...

Angel & Joan... drunk? nah!

Saturday night was Eurovision, and the 12 points go to... JORDI! Jordi excelled as usual with his culinary skills... same menu year after year, but Gosh we love it! Forgot to take a pic! His Guacamole sauce is the best followed by his sandwich bread ham and cheese and lettuce cake at a close number 2! AH! and let´s not forget the albóndigas!

daylight activities included -apart from sleep- visiting the family and lounge in the balcony! Weather is very good already and I can´t wait for the summer! And let me tell you, travelling on the Hispano Igualadina coach to see mum and dad with a hangover... oh! it´s a no no... how many times have I done it and how many times will I do it again...

sunday after lunch... aka siesta time!

28 May 2009

back blogging!

Dear friends...

wow it has been a busy time ever since I returned from Barcelona, no time to spare and no money either! I have been working endless hours building up extra time that I will now take off in June... Barcelona again for three weeks!! With a little journey to KL first, maybe...

Claire has invited me to her pad in Barbados too but what would you do if the money wasn´t in the bank?

Only one day off this week which was yesterday which was super as I watched Barcelona win the Champions League.

now it´s back to work this afternoon!


font: El Periódico .
F.C.Barcelona is the first team to win the spanish league, the spanish Royal Cup and the UEFA Champions League all three in the same season. Hats off to mr Guardiola.
"Lo único que puedo decir es que me siento un ser afortunado, muy afortunado por haber sido escogido para dirigir a estos jugadores."
celebrations in Barcelona.

celebrations in the stadium...
aquesta foto dedicada al Jordi... qui son?

12 May 2009


out again... with the girls...

... and the boys...

... and the ladies and the gents.

my best angle...

another hard shift on saturday night!


Do Começo ao Fim - Trailer

7 May 2009


dedicado a Divina de la Muerte...
uy uy uy.... será la mano de Kylie??


Chelsea - Barcelona 1 - 1 Barcelona win on away goal(s)

Which means Barcelona will play against Manchester United at the
Champions Final in ROME on 27th May!

Josep Guardiola "so, so happy!"

6 May 2009


...and following english tradititon, the best way to finish a long shift is at the pub with a pint of lager top! This time to the beautiful White Horse in Colnbrook!

Chris, Anna, Tania, Jinny and Nikki and me!

my girlfriend

5 May 2009



It seems I spend all the hours of the day at work. Get up, go to work, back home, and get up, go to work, back home... no time for myself this weekend! Even though the weather has been fantastic and it is a bank holiday.

I must be doing something wrong. Priorities in life have to shift now because I have learnt that time is something that we don´t have.

So let´s cheer up and start today to address the situation.

And how?

3 May 2009


Real Madrid 2 - Barça 6

Felicitats a en Josep Guardiola, entrenador del Barça, per la feina ben feta!

Barça arrival back to Barcelona from the extraordinary game at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium.