1 Aug 2009


Today has been a better day. Work seems to do it for me!. (sad)
This morning though I have been to a clinic with a close friend of mine who did not want to go on his own. An NHS Sexual Clinic. My friend has had some misspractices and needed some testing.
Let´s admit it. It´s horrible. It´s embarrassing. Everybody on the waiting room is avoiding eye contact because why are we all there, eh? because we have been naughty and caught something. Then there´s the young lad all loud and macho... I can smell from a mile he is actually having an embarrassment moment too but he is dealing with it by pretending it´s all cool and normal.

And my friend went in, and they did all the tests. They stick a thing in your penis and take a couple of swabs from your anus. It´s all for your own good to get tested and cured if something is wrong, but nevertheless, there is some stigma attached to it that makes it a horrible moment. Because, let´s face it, we are all self'conscious of our own bodies and having some stranger opening your cheeks to stick some up your bump, for the wrong reasons, it is indeed not pleasureable.

Agh! so, It might have to be me next week, to get a health check...


Susana said...

David!!! Hola!!! Com estas? Arribem a London molt cap a les 6.00am del Dimarts i agafem un vol de BA cap a BCN a les 11 i pico del mati. Pots venir a fer un cafe???

Va agafar el vol a Rio el Julian?

I´m David said...

si si! en Julian va agafar el vol... si es que es un home de sort!

ens veiem dimarts... us vindre a veure a la porta de la Terminal 3... a les 11 i pico es vol de Iberia... codigo compartido amb BA... tERMINAL 3.


Anonymous said...

Tens raó, Julian és un home amb sort, sempre l'ha tinguda. Va néixer amb estrella