17 Jan 2008


Breakfast in Mole West at Neusiedlersee...
this lake gets frozen in winter and people skate on it...
warmer temperatures are worrying the locals,
the lake is frozen but not frozen enough
as to be safe to skate or drive on it.
Shame, because I wanted to ice skate in the wild!

Esmorzar al Neusiedlersee, llac que es congela a l´hivern i la gent hi pot patinar. Aquest any no esta prou glaçat i no s´hi pot patinar.. quina pena! No fa prou fred.

Unvergessliche Momente: Prosecco Frühstück mit den Schober Schwestern.

Andrea, Patricia, Maria, die Michi und Bärbl. Vielen Dank Euch Allen es war sehr schön mit Euch! Sie sind fantastisch!

Andrea, Patricia, Maria, Michi i Bärbl, les germanes de la Michi, que em van convidar a esmorzar amb cava al restaurant del llac.

Andrea, Patricia, Maria, Michi and Bärbl, Michi´s sisters, they treated me for a champagne breakfast at the lake´s restaurant. Unforgettable Moments.

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