27 Jan 2008


Este ha sido uno de los pocos fines de semana de los que disfruto sin trabajar, normalmente siempre trabajo en fin de semana o bien me he ido a Barcelona o de viaje por ahí. El viernes, despues de entrevistar gente para un puesto de trabajo (mi primera vez al otro lado de la mesa!) nos fuimos a bailar al Yatch Pier en Temple a una fiesta muy spanish en un barco... de spanish tenia bien poco.. solo la música!
El sábado, a cenar con Carlos e Isabel, recordando los viejos tiempos, 1995, cuando estábamos todos todavía en Barcelona y no teníamos ni email, y el domingo lo mejor: un buen brunch en casa!

This was one of the few weekends that I have off... I am usually working or away on a trip!.
Friday, after conducting job interviews, (my first time on the other side of the table!) we went for a dance to a spanish party on a boat on the Thames... not really very spanish, except for the music!
Saturday was dinner with Carlos and with Isabel... remembering the good times, when back in 1995 we were all still in Barcelona and we didn´t even have e-mail! Mind you, they seem they were good times, but back then, were they? We were always hoping for better times!
and Sunday at its best with a gourgeous healthy brunch!

At work, interviewing with Claire.

View from the top deck. Vista al Támesis desde cubierta...

Sunday Brunch. Mmmm....

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