1 Jul 2008


today I went for a walk.

went for a lovely walk in the countryside around where I live... lovely houses, beatiful forests, peaceful lakes and stunning green grass... went to Virgina Water Lake and then on to Windsor. Below is when I reached the top of Snow Hill at the end of The Long Walk, which is a straight line to the main entrance to the Windsor Castle just about three miles long! I will have to go back and take better pictures... I walked approx 12 miles!!!


Anonymous said...

Che bello dove vivi, totale tranquillità e relax. Questo è alla periferia di Londra, giusto?
e il tuo amico Julian, sono questi paesaggi in Malaysia?

Julian, como es Malaysia?

Anonymous said...

Hola olimpo!
Estaba dandole vueltas a la cabeza para explicarte como es Malasia pero no sabria decirte en pocas palabras, tengo un poco de relacion amor-odio con este pais, a veces me quiero ir y otras veces me considero afortunado de vivir aqui.Tienes que visitarlo y entenderas a que me refiero

Anonymous said...

Grazzie, Julian per la explicasion, per il momento serà difficile ir, per que il mio economia non me permite, ma gustaria mucho