23 Feb 2008


Dubai Dubai (golden in english). Dubai is one of the seven United Arab Emirates. Last year I went there and I said I will not be back until the construction work is over... and I think we have construction for years to come! It is a building site with lots of cranes, but when it´s finished is going to be fantastic!

The new buildings are very nice. There are lots of new residential areas which are designed with luxury and life comforts in mind. I wouldn´t mind an apartment or a house in there! Dubai is very open, shops, bars, clubs, alcohol sold everywhere. The clubs are quite dificult to get in to. They run strict club rules which invariably are that you must be with your girlfriend. No singles welcome. So out to the street to find girls on their own and ask them if they fancy being your partner for 2 minutes so you can get in. Mentioning you work for an airline might work too, but showing your airline id gets you in. Another option is to call ahead and try to put your name on a guest list or book a table if its a club-restaurant. Hard work but well worth it!
The are several major building projects: The Palm, The World, The Burj, the all-new train network and the new international airport at Jebel Ali.

The other side of Dubai is Deira, the old town, with the narrow streets and the gold zouk. It is separated by the Dubai Creek, like a river, that you can cross on little boats for 1 Dinhar.
I visited my friend David, and we all were invited to a barbeque at Ahmed´s.
Ragit and Jack were there, and Maria, the teacher, fantastic woman. More pics to follow shortly, possibly through facebook!


Dubai Dubai. Dubai vol dir daurat en àrab. És un dels 7 emirats que formen els Emirats Àrabs Units. Dubai té la major concentració de grues de tot el món. Tot són projectes en construcció: Palm Islan, illa artificial (foto) i The World, un altre illa artificial feta de petites illes que des del cel es veurà com el mapa del món. El Burj (Torre) que serà la construcció més alta del món un cop sigui acabada. No han anunciat quina alçada tindrà per què no volen que ningú es copiï!
També están construint tota una xarxa ferroviària des de zero i el que serà l´aeroport més gran del món! Dubai, tot i ser musulmà, és un emirat bastant obert, amb bars que venen alcohol, discos, botigues, restaurants... de fet però de moment és un rau de pols i hi fan obres per tot arreu. Ens esperarem una mica a tornar-hi!

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