Air Asia: Destination Denpasar...
Bali by day...
Dreamland Beach.
Sidemen: Mission Mount Agung. Last year we couldn´t do the Volcano, this year we couldn´t either. Hopefully we will next year!

We spent the night at a closed hotel with bambu bungalows in the town of Sidemen. We offered cash to the warden and he let us stay. Apparently the hotel was closed as there was some wedding going on with all the staff... very strange... and very scary! slept in a beautiful bungalow with the frogs, the gekos and the mosquitoes... we washed in the river first -with the naked locals- and then took a shower in the open air bathroom... we ate at the one-and-only restaurant in town... truly amazing off the beaten track!

The morning after, Mount Agung didn´t happen because the road is seriously STEEP and the car didn´t make it!! Scary to drive in first gear... the burning smell made us stop and the friendly locals advised not to continue... :o(

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