Quick trip to la cité de l´amour... and I didn´t find it...
But I did meet with two great friends:

Bruno I´ve known for years, 15 or so, and now lives in Paris, so we got a chance to have a noisette together. Beautiful Bruno. Pic of a pic as I did not get the camera out.
Bruno I´ve known for years, 15 or so, and now lives in Paris, so we got a chance to have a noisette together. Beautiful Bruno. Pic of a pic as I did not get the camera out.
and Rafa:
Rafa I have met through Julián and lives in KL but came to Paris for some work project... he designs oil rigs! Cool or what?
He lives at La Defénse, near le Grand Arche...
And the best was a hidden gem we found in la nuit Parisienne: Le Tango. One of the best clubs I have ever been. Exceptional music and exceptional people, all very Studio54 mixed with disco kitsch. Definetely a place to go back to!
However, we had to end up at the Splash (?) bar... or where the boys take a shower... whilst you sip your drink...
and then off back home...
los coches invisibles...
Tu siempre buscando el amor, dicen que quien lo sigue lo consigue, asi que no desesperes y sigue buscando "el amor", a lo mejor ahora que vas a KL, bueno en BALI mejor, no!!!
aunque también dicen que si lo buscas no lo encuentras y cuando lo dejas de buscar, aparece!
no sé...
Estos se duchan porque son muy limpiossssssssss....vaya culazos!!! me encataria ir a ese club en Paris!!
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