La meva vida té una font de riquesa molt important: tú. Vull reflectir aquí sobre l'impacte que la meva gent té a la meva vida. // My life has a very important source of wealth: you. I just want to reflect on the impact my friends have on my life. // Mi vida tiene una muy importante fuente de riqueza: tú. Quisiera desde aquí reflexionar sobre el impacto de mi gente en mi vida. ¿estás tú?
29 Oct 2009
13 Oct 2009
8 Oct 2009
She was born a day before me, we grew up together, however we parted different ways when teens. She is now come to London for 8 months to improve her english...
welcome to London!
she wrote on her last email:
Hola Ministre d'Afers Exteriors,
Bones vacances!!!!!!!!!!!
5 Oct 2009
Quick trip to la cité de l´amour... and I didn´t find it...
But I did meet with two great friends:

Bruno I´ve known for years, 15 or so, and now lives in Paris, so we got a chance to have a noisette together. Beautiful Bruno. Pic of a pic as I did not get the camera out.
Bruno I´ve known for years, 15 or so, and now lives in Paris, so we got a chance to have a noisette together. Beautiful Bruno. Pic of a pic as I did not get the camera out.
and Rafa:
Rafa I have met through Julián and lives in KL but came to Paris for some work project... he designs oil rigs! Cool or what?
He lives at La Defénse, near le Grand Arche...
And the best was a hidden gem we found in la nuit Parisienne: Le Tango. One of the best clubs I have ever been. Exceptional music and exceptional people, all very Studio54 mixed with disco kitsch. Definetely a place to go back to!
However, we had to end up at the Splash (?) bar... or where the boys take a shower... whilst you sip your drink...
and then off back home...
los coches invisibles...
3 Oct 2009
for the 2016 Olympic Games... we'll be back!!
blogging from Paris... au revoir!
blogging from Paris... au revoir!

1 Oct 2009
Let´s get all up-to-date!!!
Renault is showing the new concept ZE in this year´s Frankfurt Motor Show. The new concept ZE. ZERO emissions. Renault has unveiled 4 electric cars. Totally electric. Full battery lasts for 160km and can reach speeds of up to 140km/h. Not ideal but it´s a start? Look for videos in you tube.
above: the Fluence Z.E. (nice!)

below: the Kangoo Z.E.

BA001: British Airways flight BA001 is back on the departures board after Concorde went out of service: The airline has launched services from London City Airport to New York JFK on Airbus318 aircraft with 32 all business class seats! Two daily departures BA001/BA003 from mid october except on weekends.

BARCELONA has a new landmark opened today: The W Barcelona hotel, at the end of the Barceloneta beach. Not as nice as the Burj in Dubai but well, it´ll do! Luxury accomodation that will compete with the newly opened hotel OMM and Barcelona ME hotels, the 1898 and the Grand Central, and soon to follow the Mandarin Oriental. Are we expecting lots of rich tourists then???

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