A través de la embajada nos invitaron a ver DREAMZ. Espectáculo-circo y de magia que tiene lugar en el Pavilion de Genting Heights. Los artistas son españoles. Genting Heights es una montaña a unos 60km de KL en cuya cima hay montado un parque de atracciones la mayor parte cubierto, puesto que en esas alturas siempre hace frío:
Through the Spanish Embassy we got VIP tickets to see DREAMZ: It is a Cirque-Magic show at the Pavillion in Genting Heights by a spanish group of artists. Genting Heights is a mountain about 60km from KL which has all sorts of fairs, amusement park, cinemas and casino, most under roof as it is very cold up there!
El espectáculo fué muy bueno,

The show was excellent. The orchestra girls and her dancing maneuvres were very good-which we now copy!- But the best were the animals: a white tiger and a white lion which appeared from nowhere inside empty cages!
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