Hong Kong! My dodgy knee refrained me from going back to Spain for a quicky skiing with my brother up in the Pyrenees... so I chose Hong Kong instead.. buff! Juanvi had the ticket, he was operating the flight and I joined as a cling on... first time in Hong Kong. It felt like being in a city from another planet...

Victoria Peak... and we met Juanma, a very good amateur photographer, impressed with his own webpage and all...
(maybe one day!) His web address is
www.juanmaabad.com which now redirects you to
godaddy.com courtesy of f***ing stupid useless b***tards who think its fun and apparently very money-lucrative to do such things.
Me parto, as we say in Spain!

Juanvi. Mary Jesus Juanma. and me. (I don´t look good but blimey! the fab lights behind Juanma, which weren´t there, only appeared on the camera, made the pic worth showing!) Maybe
he is a Saint after all!

Typical local Hong Kongian...
pas mal!Out everynight, we famously partied at Volume and Propaganda, with Pepe and Benja
agh... (suspiro) must do it again soon.