2 Nov 2010


Just three bits on the news today:

Asimo 10th Anniversary.

Meet Asimo:

Asteroid impact warning to the world

Experts are calling on the world to recognise the "global threat" of an asteroid hit to earth.

They´ve been holding a three-day workshop in Germany, discussing how countries would react.

The conference in the city of Darmstadt is considering theoretical but plausible scenarios of an asteroid impact on our planet.

"The question often arises in the general public: Can we in fact do something about this. And the answer is yes. We don't even have to develop new technologies. Our existing space technology enables us to actually slightly change the orbit of an asteroid that we see headed an impact 15 or 20 or 50 years ahead of us."

Humans could be sent to Mars 'one-way'

Humans could be sent to Mars one-way as part of Nasa plans to permanently colonise other planets.

Scientists have confirmed that they are looking into the possibility sending astronauts to other planets by 2030.

It would take the volunteers nine months to get to the red planet, and they would leave knowing they would never see Earth again.

That is because it would cost too much to fly them back.


25 Oct 2010

18 Sept 2010



17 Sept 2010


I´ve fallen for the iPhone 4

16 Sept 2010

15 Sept 2010


Minotaure statue in an art gallery in El Escorial. The thounsand windows building part of all primary school text books in Spain, and finally I have seen it for real. 60 mins from Madrid on the bus.

10 Sept 2010

8 Sept 2010


BA´s FIRST cabin...

BA´s NEW FIRST cabin...

EK´s FIRST CLASS... (on A380 and most 777´s)

it´s all very nice, HOWEVER, nothing beats first class cabin crew:

go Ali and congrats on your promotion!

7 Sept 2010


seen at Heathrow... hm... not sure which one I´ll take today... the 747 or the little one...?

6 Sept 2010

3 Sept 2010

01 AUG 2010

EK141 arrives to Madrid for the 1st time. Nonstop from DUBAI!

2 Sept 2010

1st official visit: Bruno, Ángel and Julián!!!

1 Sept 2010

19 JULY 2010

It´s July the 19th, and I am 39 today. New life starts, after DUBAI and ROME the AVE high speed train takes me to my new home...

Barcelona to Madrid...

evening view from the balcony, Argüelles, Madrid.

whatever happened to july 2010 y III

July was ROME...

30 Aug 2010

whatever happened to July 2010 part II

new MAD team

July was hello Dubai! 2 weeks holiday/work....

19 Aug 2010

whatever happened to July 2010? part I

July is good-bye Staines. This summer is happening in Spain!

will miss lunch at The White Swan and pints at the Slug and Lettuce on the river bank!

Will miss work... and the late shift. Azim also likes the late shift.

Will miss my stuff... taken to the Taplow car boot sale...
memorable day with Angela and Nick...

ooops some stuff is not really mine, it´s gifts or things left behind at home from the countless guests and flatsharers and so on... I hope they don´t recognise any and now claim it back!

my packing for Spain..........................