La meva vida té una font de riquesa molt important: tú. Vull reflectir aquí sobre l'impacte que la meva gent té a la meva vida. // My life has a very important source of wealth: you. I just want to reflect on the impact my friends have on my life. // Mi vida tiene una muy importante fuente de riqueza: tú. Quisiera desde aquí reflexionar sobre el impacto de mi gente en mi vida. ¿estás tú?
31 May 2009
Per molts anys!
i que duri...
30 May 2009
29 May 2009
Angel & Joan... drunk? nah!
Saturday night was Eurovision, and the 12 points go to... JORDI! Jordi excelled as usual with his culinary skills... same menu year after year, but Gosh we love it! Forgot to take a pic! His Guacamole sauce is the best followed by his sandwich bread ham and cheese and lettuce cake at a close number 2! AH! and let´s not forget the albóndigas!
daylight activities included -apart from sleep- visiting the family and lounge in the balcony! Weather is very good already and I can´t wait for the summer! And let me tell you, travelling on the Hispano Igualadina coach to see mum and dad with a hangover... oh! it´s a no no... how many times have I done it and how many times will I do it again...

sunday after lunch... aka siesta time!
28 May 2009
back blogging!
wow it has been a busy time ever since I returned from Barcelona, no time to spare and no money either! I have been working endless hours building up extra time that I will now take off in June... Barcelona again for three weeks!! With a little journey to KL first, maybe...
Claire has invited me to her pad in Barbados too but what would you do if the money wasn´t in the bank?
Only one day off this week which was yesterday which was super as I watched Barcelona win the Champions League.
now it´s back to work this afternoon!
12 May 2009
7 May 2009
6 May 2009
5 May 2009
I must be doing something wrong. Priorities in life have to shift now because I have learnt that time is something that we don´t have.
So let´s cheer up and start today to address the situation.
And how?