La meva vida té una font de riquesa molt important: tú. Vull reflectir aquí sobre l'impacte que la meva gent té a la meva vida. // My life has a very important source of wealth: you. I just want to reflect on the impact my friends have on my life. // Mi vida tiene una muy importante fuente de riqueza: tú. Quisiera desde aquí reflexionar sobre el impacto de mi gente en mi vida. ¿estás tú?
26 Jan 2009
22 Jan 2009
Hello Manuel...
My name is David, I know we have never met, I am a friend of Vincent... I am sure he talked to you about me... he certainly talked lots about you!
Today Vincent has told me that you have left us... he is very sad and so am I. Such a gorgeous young intelligent man... I do not know what to do other than give Vincent my support, he knows that, and to say that I am really really sorry I have never met you... hope never fades away with me though, I am sure we´ll meet again... let´s just wait. I could ask you a million questions now!
Wherever you are take good care... and take care of us... if you can. I know you would!
yours, forever.
It´s cold and it´s raining....
and Donnie, a work colleague,
has been diagnosed with spinal cancer...
and Manuel, Vincent´s best friend,
is in hospital suffering from malaria...
and Vincent is very sad because Manuel is in hospital...
life sometimes is harsh like this, what can we do? Be there for each other...
and it´s still raining outside...
and Donnie, a work colleague,
has been diagnosed with spinal cancer...
and Manuel, Vincent´s best friend,
is in hospital suffering from malaria...
and Vincent is very sad because Manuel is in hospital...
life sometimes is harsh like this, what can we do? Be there for each other...
and it´s still raining outside...
and not sure now if this pic cheers me up or makes me more sad...
it´s definetely not my belly... :o(
pic from
19 Jan 2009
16 Jan 2009

Estoy totalmente asombrado de la proeza del capitán y la tripulación! Cuando fuí aeromozo nos entrenaron para este tipo de emergencias, pero la verdad sea dicha, el sueño de todo tripulante de cabina es sobrevivir un amaraje así y sin un rasguño! Mi enhorabuena a la tripulación!
Brand bew Terminal 3 at Dubai International Airport: forget Heathrow!
15 Jan 2009
10 Jan 2009
KL 1-2-3JAN (II)
CANELONI: For the first time in my like I cooked caneloni for 7 people all by myself! And yes, they were good! Ask for the recipy!
The PAVILION: és el millor centre comercial de Bukit Bintang, el centre de KL. Els millors preus en roba els trobaràs a PADINI i les millors rebaixes a TANGS!
1 foto deleted by request
3 Jan 2009
1 Jan 2009
Busy busy in KL so not much time to update...
But I would like to wish everybody a very good 2009 full of LOVE...
The rest is not needed.
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