20 Sept 2008


Soren and Stuart tying the knot! Congratulations!

Casament de´n Soren i l´Stuart. Felicitats!

Richard: Speech speech speech!

Fab day at Stuart and Soren´s celebrating their wedding.

15 Sept 2008


13 Sept 2008


So, not only proud of Chris and Oscar, but also very proud of my best friends:

La Carla amb en Xavi

L´Ana amb n´Ariana
La Judith amb en Pau

L´Arantxa amb na Laia

10 Sept 2008


Oscar and Chris with their baby boys Lucas and Thomas.

L´Òscar i en Chris i els seus dos fills, en Lucas i en Thomas.

I think this is beautiful. A family unit... why not having children? give your love to either your own kids or adopted. Create family. It´s just beautiful... not easy, but beautiful. I would like from here to encourage couples gay and straight to consider this idea, it is a gigantic responsibility, specially in a such selfish gay world, but I am convinced well worth it!

Òscar i Chris, enhorabona i moltes felicitats, de veritat que admiro el que feu, i ja sé que no és tarea fàcil... però ho he vist i és realment meravellós. M´agradaria des d´aquí engrescar a les parelles gays i no gays a fer-ho! Reconèixer i assumir una responsabilitat tan gegantina en un món gay totalment sibarita i egoísta és veritablement una fita!

7 Sept 2008


Downtown L.A. driving with the roof down...

San Marino, where Chris and Oscar live.

Hollywood Bowl is like the Teatre Grec in Barcelona... only better. Bring your own picnic or get it from the stalls and dine at dusk before the concert. We went to see Donna Summer. Espectacular. This is something I definetely want to repeat when next in L.A.!

Concierto en el Hollywood Bowl: Es un teatro al aire libre, así tipo a lo greco romano. Es fantástico por que llegas al anochecer y cenas al aire libre, antes del concierto, que empieza una vez ha anochecido!

tHEE AbbeY is now the place to be seen in L.A. Fab decor and fab boys... This place is a must whenwver you visit L.A.!

Another must place to see is CLUB TEMPO. ah! those cowboys! There we met Reymundo: