La meva vida té una font de riquesa molt important: tú. Vull reflectir aquí sobre l'impacte que la meva gent té a la meva vida. // My life has a very important source of wealth: you. I just want to reflect on the impact my friends have on my life. // Mi vida tiene una muy importante fuente de riqueza: tú. Quisiera desde aquí reflexionar sobre el impacto de mi gente en mi vida. ¿estás tú?
30 Aug 2008
19 Aug 2008
9 Aug 2008
Dinner in Soho... Osatsuma.
This is the night we met 2 gorgeous italian boys sitting on the next table.
This is the night we met a tall beautiful korean boy.
This is the night we bumped into Andres and his friends at Rupert Street!
This is the night we got served by the most handsome bartender at Lo.profile.
This is the night we admired the chinese go-go dancer at the Village.
This is a great night... let´s do it more often!
8 Aug 2008
click on title - click el título

Meet Mark Foster:

Mark carried the flag leading the British Olympic Team (TeamGB) at the opening ceremony in Beijing. Mark did actualy retire from swimming but he is back at 38 for one last chance to get an olympic medal. From here I would like to wish him luck as he is definetely an inspiration for lots of people. Good luck Mark!

The Olympic pool in Beijing: The Watercube.
6 Aug 2008
the three chimneys
Javier, Angel, Juanjo and me... con el culo al aire!
Chernobyl es mi playa favorita en Barcelona ciudad. La arena está muy bien y no es nada pegajosa y el agua pura y cristalina! Es una playa nudista que antaño fué muy popular y que ahora al tener competencia con la Barceloneta y la playa de la Mar Bella ya no se llena tanto, con lo que es genial. Su nombre se debe a que en ella hay una central térmica bastante vieja que recuerda un poco a Chernobyl... Las tres chimeneas se pueden ver desde toda Barcelona!
Chernobyl is my favourite beach in Barcelona City. The sand is not sticky and the water crystal clear! It is a nudist beach and it used to be very popular, now everyone goes to la Barceloneta or la Mar Bella which is fine so it´s not so crowded! Its name comes from the ugly and old building behind which reminds of Chernobyl in Russia, where they had the massive nuclear scare. The three chimneys can be seen from all over Barcelona and also from the plane when you come to land!
Jordi también vino...
4 Aug 2008
Eurogames Opening Ceremony rehearsals... Angel front row with white shorts.
Opening Ceremony presented by spanish celebrity Angel Llàcer.
Tango dance: all boy-girl couples become boy-boy and girl-girl under the flag. Look for Eurogames Barcelona 2008 in Youtube to see the whole dance.
Then it´s my turn pulling the volley court.
Jonathan Cañada, World Gymnast Champion, performing.
Eurogames flag.
Angel and Liván
Jordi, Angel and me.
Me with Liván and Angel.
gracias a Angel por las fotos!
Barcelona, 24-27 July 2008
ver video de la -sorry spanish only: video from
The Eurogames is a european sports championships organized by gay sports groups around Europe. It all started in Barcelona playing beach volley. Ladies and Gentlemen, after all the negative comments that I have read in the spanish press about the games, all I want to say is that this is only a fun sport event which gives opportunities to ALL young and old, gay and straight, to compete and have fun. It is not a professional sporting event, you will not see world records, all you will see is happy people having an opportunity to play and to win. A golden opportunity otherwise not possible because, let´s face it, me and my gay friends will never make it to Beijing, really.
If one supports the Barcelona Football club, will go to Barcelona´s clubs for drinks and fun, if one supports the Madrid Football club, will go to Madrid´s supporters clubs... it doesn´t mean they hate each other, it is only a preference because you need some sort of likelyhood-afinity-same interests when you join a group. So if gay people prefer to do sports or spend some of their time with some gay equals, that is ok. Is it not? Then what happened is that all these little groups from all over europe decided to organize a championship... why not? It sounds fun and you get to play with different people from other places instead of the same bunch day in day out. Eurogames, bring them on!
Los Eurogames son una competición organizada por grupos deportivos gays de Europa. Todo empezó en Barcelona con el Volei playa. Primero jugamos entre nosotros, luego con los turistas, y luego nació la idea de montar un campeonato. He leido esta pasada semana comentarios muy despectivos y tristes en la prensa española. Todo lo que quisiera decir es que: el del barça se irá a la penya blaugrana a tomar el carajillo, el del Madrid a un club madridista, y esto no tiene nada de malo, todos buscamos una afinidad-nexo de unión-interés compartido al unirnos a un grupo. Así pues unos amigos gays nos juntamos para practicar deporte. Lo que pasó a partir de ahí es que se organizaron campeonatos. Pura diversión. Son campeonatos abiertos a TODOS, no hay marcas mínimas ni requerimientos ni de edad ni de orientación sexual, TODOS pueden participar y luchar por conseguir una medalla. Que la verdad, a Pekín ya no llegamos, pero a los Eurogames del año que viene en Copenhague,
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