20 Jul 2008


MARIA y DAVID se casan

MARIA and DAVID get married

en la Basílica del Tibidabo
Incredible view from the church on the Tibidabo Mountain.

the boys.... Carles, me and Wayne, and Arantxa.

and the girls... Emma, Gemma and Valérie...

Viva la madre de la novia!!

19 Jul 2008

mi cumple/my birthday

18 Jul 2008


la Dolors i jo als billars de la penya.

Dolors, ets la millor. T´estimem!!
Dolors is my very good friend who owns el bar la penya in Igualada...
Igualada is a city next to my small hometown: Vilanova del Cami.
Don´t even try to google earth it... it´s not there!
More about it soon... here just a momentum pics of our night out in Igualada.

14 Jul 2008



Me he ido de nuevo a España, así que me costará más pero enseguida os doy noticias.

Gone to Spain again so bear with me and I´ll give you updates asap!

bye bye work!

9 Jul 2008


David Meca, world champion spanish swimmer, crossed the Gibraltar Strait 3 times non-stop last weekend in an epic that took 14 hours and 5 mins.

Meca successfully swam the English Channel on 10 Aug 2004 in a time of 7 h 46 mins and again on 29 Aug 2005 in a time of 7 h 22 mins. He has swum from the spanish coast to Ibiza, he has swum between the canary Islands, he has swum the Gualdalquivir River up stream for more than 100km... He is incredible!!

dedicado a Isabel

7 Jul 2008


click on the title to watch the final moment of one of the best tennis games in Wimbledon!

clica el títol per veure les imatges del moment final d´un dels millors partits de tenis de Wimbledon!

Rafael Nadal - Wimbledon Champion 2008

6 Jul 2008


Trafalgar Square

Mark and Simon

Isa, Alvaro and Jordi.

more pics: http://adventuresofagayboy.blogspot.com/

1 Jul 2008


today I went for a walk.

went for a lovely walk in the countryside around where I live... lovely houses, beatiful forests, peaceful lakes and stunning green grass... went to Virgina Water Lake and then on to Windsor. Below is when I reached the top of Snow Hill at the end of The Long Walk, which is a straight line to the main entrance to the Windsor Castle just about three miles long! I will have to go back and take better pictures... I walked approx 12 miles!!!