La meva vida té una font de riquesa molt important: tú. Vull reflectir aquí sobre l'impacte que la meva gent té a la meva vida. // My life has a very important source of wealth: you. I just want to reflect on the impact my friends have on my life. // Mi vida tiene una muy importante fuente de riqueza: tú. Quisiera desde aquí reflexionar sobre el impacto de mi gente en mi vida. ¿estás tú?
23 Mar 2008
21 Mar 2008
Good Friday: Attended the Solemn Liturgy of the Passion and Death of Our Lord at Westminster Abbey.
For those of you brought up Catholic, you will remember that this Mass is the one where the Priest starts the service lying face down on the floor. There is a very long read of the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ, from when he is betrayed by Judas till he is taken by Joseph of Aritmathea and Nicodemus from the cross to lay down in the tomb. This is a very lengthy gospel read and today this was sung by the Priests and the Choir. This is followed by a Procession and Veneration of the Cross by all attending. Very nice clean and perfect service. Next year will aim to attend in Seville... Easter is big in Andalucía!
Divendres Sant: Hem anat a la Missa de la Passió i Mort de Jesucrist a l´Abadia de Westminster. Per aquells de vosaltres que us heu educat catòlics, us en recordareu que aquesta Missa es la que el capellà la comença estirat de cara a terra. També es fa una lectura de l´evangeli de la Passió des que Jesús és capturat fins a la seva mort a la Creu. Aquesta lectura sol ser molt llarga, i aquí a Westmisnter és tota cantada pel monjos i els nens del cor! També es fa una adoració de la Creu per part de tots el feligresos assistents.
19 Mar 2008
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18 Mar 2008
Mount Pilatus is a mountain near Luzern, it is 3200m high and we went up to the peak:
Mount Pialtus es una muntanya aprop de Lucerna, a Suïssa, de 3200m d´alçada. espectacular:

Mount Pialtus es una muntanya aprop de Lucerna, a Suïssa, de 3200m d´alçada. espectacular:
16 Mar 2008
15 Mar 2008
Hello all, sorry for not updating, whilst mum and dad are home with me I have literally no time, although there´s lots going on! I took them to Paris and Luzern, so update to follow!
Mum actually suggested today that they may as well stay till after Easter, so the house is clean, the shirts are ironed and the boy is fed! xx
P.S. We are approaching visitor 1000... whoever you are, please send a comment!!!
P.D. Ens apropem al visitant 1000, si ets tu, deixa´ns un comentari!!!
Mum actually suggested today that they may as well stay till after Easter, so the house is clean, the shirts are ironed and the boy is fed! xx
P.S. We are approaching visitor 1000... whoever you are, please send a comment!!!
P.D. Ens apropem al visitant 1000, si ets tu, deixa´ns un comentari!!!
3 Mar 2008
2 Mar 2008
saturday night: ETIÉN
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