La meva vida té una font de riquesa molt important: tú. Vull reflectir aquí sobre l'impacte que la meva gent té a la meva vida. // My life has a very important source of wealth: you. I just want to reflect on the impact my friends have on my life. // Mi vida tiene una muy importante fuente de riqueza: tú. Quisiera desde aquí reflexionar sobre el impacto de mi gente en mi vida. ¿estás tú?
27 Feb 2008
24 Feb 2008
Per tornar de Dubai vaig passar per Abu Dhabi, que és un altre dels 7 emirats. El més gran. Però la ciutat no és tan bèstia com Dubai. A la foto el sostre del hall de l´Hotel Emirates Palace, un dels més luxosos del món. Vaig tornar cap a Londres amb ETHIAD, una nova línia aèria dels UAE que és fantàstica! A moltes els agradaria arribar a ser la meitat de bones! A Abu Dhabi vaig conèixer en Amir, que vol dir príncep, noi també sudanès com l´Ali del blog, però que viu a Abu Dhabi.
My return from Dubai was via Abu Dhabi, another oneof the seven Emirates. Amir drove me around to see the sites and took me to see inside the Emirates Palace Hotel... the ceiling pictured above. I flew back on Etihad Airways (which means United in arabic!). Most airliners dream to be at least half as good as them!
23 Feb 2008
Dubai Dubai (golden in english). Dubai is one of the seven United Arab Emirates. Last year I went there and I said I will not be back until the construction work is over... and I think we have construction for years to come! It is a building site with lots of cranes, but when it´s finished is going to be fantastic!
Dubai Dubai. Dubai vol dir daurat en àrab. És un dels 7 emirats que formen els Emirats Àrabs Units. Dubai té la major concentració de grues de tot el món. Tot són projectes en construcció: Palm Islan, illa artificial (foto) i The World, un altre illa artificial feta de petites illes que des del cel es veurà com el mapa del món. El Burj (Torre) que serà la construcció més alta del món un cop sigui acabada. No han anunciat quina alçada tindrà per què no volen que ningú es copiï!
18 Feb 2008
written by a guy called Ali, from Sudan, a country where homosexuality is not seen with very good eyes. His blog is actually helping gays and lesbians in such countries to be able to open up, express themselves, find out who they really are. Reading Ali´s blog I came accross one of his posts that is really good: just watch the clip below:
Desde que me he convertido en blogger no paro de mirarme otros blogs. Me he encontrado con uno de un chico de Sudan, Ali, que es homosexual en un país muy reprimido. Uno de sus posts es un clip que encuentro interesante:
15 Feb 2008
Nothing better than a pint or two with colleagues after work!
Stuart, Lisa, Mark, Lee, Anne, Simon and me!
Thank you all for a lovely evening at the Windsor Castle in Hounslow Heights! I never would have thought that I would mention Hounslow in my blog!
cerveseta després de la feina amb els companys!
(MO´s=2) :(
14 Feb 2008
Feliz dia de San Valentín.
Para aquellos que tienen con quién compartir, que el amor se haga más fuerte.
Y para los que no tenemos con quién compartir, que lo sepamos encontrar!
For those of you who´ve got someone, let Love become stronger.
For those who haven´t, let Love find us!
By the way, today nil MO´s! I was strong and brave enough to drop my phone number to someone. The perfect stranger. The sad thing is that I am now looking at my mobile every minute!
9 Feb 2008
8 Feb 2008
Today I account for one MO.
I have come accross this nice guy who works at the "Irish Gates", a pub near where I work.
It is surprising how sometimes you look at someone you haven´t met before and you detect a certain connection.
Name it lust, love, friendship, understanding, admiration...
The fact is that some connection has been detected, eye contact was subtle but there was, and what did I do about it? Nothing. This is an MO. Got lots of MO´s in my life. ( ...and you?)
Now I wish I had taken the opportunity to talk, say something, meet the person.
4 Feb 2008
Saturday night was the big carnival party. 700 plus people came to the party. Only a few years ago it was nearly a 100 of us, all friends, organizing this big party and now it has grown to a much-talked carnival party. So much so that the options are either Sitges or us. Guess who was wearing the shoes... I read spanish shoe size 42 on the sole!
Dissabte nit: Gran Carnaval organitzat per les panteres grogues al Palacio del Flamenco. Endevineu qui duia les sabates de la foto... Quin mal de peus!!!
After the excesses of alcohol and food, there is nothing better than a run up the hill to Guinardó Park. The view is well worth it!
I despues de los excesos del fin de semana, nada mejor que una carrerilla a la cima de la colina del Parc del Guinardó. La vista de Barcelona lo vale!